The Teacher Hotline
The Teacher Hotline is a podcast where teachers submit their questions regarding the field of education. Guests come on the show to help answer some of the pressing questions teachers may have in and out of the classroom such as: how does my pension work?; Should I work in administration?; Should I work at a private or public school? and more!
75 episodes
Ep 73. How Can We Build Connections With Students from Challenging Communities? Ft. Lucy Black
Happy New Year everyone!We are actually going to kick off 2025 with one last episode before bringing the season to a close! I'm actually getting married in March, so I plan on focusing on planning this wedding and getting to the March B...
Season 3
Episode 73

Ep 72. What Are Other Career Options for Teachers? Ft. Larry Tomiyama
Hey folks! I'm on a plane to England/Germany with my students right now but that doesn't mean we can't pump out another episode before 2024 ends!I've had a bunch of people recently talk about switching careers and looking for new jobs. ...
Season 3
Episode 72

Ep 71. How Can We Support our Multilingual Learners in the Classroom? Ft. Katherine Hamilton
Have you ever wondered how we can better support our multilingual learners in the classroom? What if we could create a more inclusive environment where every student, regardless of their language background, could thrive? How would that impact ...
Season 3
Episode 70

Ep 70. Why Do Teachers Leave the Classroom? Ft. Tyler Boyle
Today we got a hot episode that was recorded back in June! It's about teacher burnout and why teachers are leaving the profession! Kind of a bummer way to start the school year, but I thought it was a good conversation to have so we don't burn ...
Season 3
Episode 69

Ep 69. What is on the Mandatory Financial Literacy Test? Ft. Gary Rabbior
Welcome back to another school year teachers!To kick off the school year, I wanted to talk about the upcoming mandatory Financial Literacy test that high schoolers need to past to get their diploma! Hey, I'm all for it! But what in the ...
Season 3
Episode 69

Ep 68. What is it Like to Teach at the College Level? Ft. Mikayla Lechance
Ready to unlock the secrets of teaching at the college level? Join us for a fun conversation with Mikayla Lachance, a communications professor from Northern College, who shares her journey to becoming an accomplished college educator. Discover ...
Season 3
Episode 68

Ep 67. Have I Made a Difference as a Teacher? Ft. Sam Demma
Congrats Teachers! Summer time baby! Kick back, relax, and pour yourself a glass of wine. Party time!I know the school year is a marathon and July can be a time of reflection for some teachers on how the year went. A popular question is...
Season 3
Episode 67

Ep 66. Should I Send My Child to French Immersion School? Ft. Lucie-Maude & Aliza
Bonjour!Has anyone ever thought about sending their kids to French Immersion? Maybe you have but don't know where to start. What are the benefits of French Immersion? Are there any drawbacks? To answer all of these question...
Season 3
Episode 66

Ep 65. Should Schools Start Classes Later? Ft. Dr. Greg Wells
I'm a night owl and would love to start work at 11am if possible! Im sure your students wouldn't mind as well! Have you ever thought about what school would look like if we started classes later? Would students be more engaged? Would there be l...
Season 3
Episode 65

Ep 64. How Do We Stop Bullying in Schools? Ft. Alain Pelletier
Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. No one's been able to crack the code on how to stop and prevent bullying from happening across schools in the country. In fact, bullying has now evolved with the introduction of social media...
Season 3
Episode 64

Ep. 63 What is it Like to Teach in a University Classroom? Ft. Emma Giroux
We're back baby! Season 3! Here we go. We are now going to go to a monthly format. Life is crazy, so we'll try this new format and see how it goes. We kick things off by revisiting my old stomping grounds at Western University. Hav...
Season 3
Episode 63

Ep 62. What Type of Conversations do Guidance Counselors Have with Students? Ft. Sam Layton
Having tough conversations with students is all part of the job. Teachers can have conversations ranging from grades all the way to mental health. But what about the guidance counselors?! They face a lot of tough conversations behind closed doo...
Season 2
Episode 62

Ep 61. What Qualifications Do I Need to Teach in a Teacher Education Program? Ft. Dr. Liz Coulson
Have you ever thought about teaching at a university? Have you ever thought about teaching in a teacher education program? We'll you'll want to tune in to this weeks episode! Today I bring in Liz Coulson, an Assistant Professor and...
Season 2
Episode 61

Ep 60. What Does a High School Principal Actually Do? (Public) Ft. John Marinelli
Building off last weeks episode, we are going to dive deep into the jobs of our school leaders. This week we are taking a look at the High School Principals role.After all my years in education, I still have no idea what the heck these ...
Season 2
Episode 60

Ep 59. University of Toronto - OISE (Masters of Teaching): Is this Program Right for Me? Ft. Ava Skuse
Hey incoming teacher candidates! This episode is for you!If you are planning to apply to different teacher education programs and not sure which one you should go to, you'll want to check out this episode. On today's episode, we c...
Season 2
Episode 59

Ep 58. What are the Responsibilities of a Public High School Vice Principal? Ft. Candace House
Have you ever thought about going into school leadership? Perhaps a High School Vice Principal is opening up and you have your eyes on it? Do you have any idea what the job entails?Well, look not further and listen to this episode! Toda...
Season 2
Episode 58

Ep 57. What Questions will the Panel Ask at My Elementary LTO Job Interview? Ft. Linda Taillefer
Ok folks, so this is a big one! If you got an Elementary LTO job interview coming up, you need to click this episode! Super juicy with all of the questions from the TDSB with a former VP panelist coaching you through some of the answers!
Season 2
Episode 57

Ep 56. Should I Send My Children to Montessori School? Ft. Carolyn Reid & Rachel Marks
After all these years in education, I'm just finding out now what is a Montessori school! This entire time I thought it was some sort of Religious school. Wow, I was so wrong.If you're thinking about applying for a job at Montessori sch...
Season 2
Episode 56

Ep 55. What is it Like to Work at a Boarding School? Ft. Andrew McNiven
Imagine living with students and then waking up the next day and teaching those same students. This happens everyday at all boarding schools and its the norm! I work at a boarding school, and its a different beast. I don't work directly...
Season 2
Episode 55

Ep 54. I Wish I Knew in School: What is it Like to be a Doctor? Ft. Dr. Andrew Lim
As a kid growing up in an Asian household, the dream for my parents was for their children to become a doctor. My brother helped my parents achieve that dream. I failed miserably. I couldn't even make it out of grade 10 chemistry! So ma...
Season 2
Episode 54

Ep 53. What is it Like to be a Public School Guidance Counsellor Ft. Adrienne Tolton
Ever think about making a career change as a teacher into the world of guidance? Look no further! So today I bring in Adrienne Tolton, a guidance counsellor from Garth Webb Secondary School in the Halton District School Board. Adri...
Season 2
Episode 53

Ep 52. What Does HR Look for in a Job Application & Interview? Ft. Majella Hillsdon
Ever wonder what the heck the folks in HR are looking for before submitting your resume? How can school boards possibly sift through all those resumes and pick the right candidate? Oh and once you get an interview, now you need to prep for that...
Season 2
Episode 52

Ep 51. I Wish I Knew in School: What is it Like to be a Lawyer? Ft. Aaron Baer
Today I'm introducing a new segment in the show called "I Wish I Knew in School". Unfortunately, we are forced to begin choosing career paths at an early age. Media, family and friends can also paint an inaccurate depiction of ce...
Season 2
Episode 51

Ep 50. What is it Like to Teach in the US? Ft. Melody McAllister
Episode 50 🎉I can't believe we are at the half century mark! It's wild this podcast is still going!To celebrate this milestone, I chat with Melody McAllister, Event & Community Marketing Specialist at none other....Spaces! O...
Season 2
Episode 50

Ep 49. Can Comedy Get Me in Trouble as a Teacher? Ft. Ronen Geisler
Six years ago, I took a Stand Up Comedy class at Second City.Six years later, I somehow still have a job as a teacher! Hallelujah! 🙌To give back, I started a stand up comedy co-curricular for teenagers at our school. It's been r...
Season 2
Episode 49